5 Classroom Essentials Every Student Needs

close-up of well organised classroom

Great results at school don’t happen only because students pay attention and teachers bend over backwards to explain something and teach the best they can. The classroom and the equipment students and teachers use, play a big role too. For that reason, the classroom needs to be a place that has all the classroom essentials that eventually make studying easy and interesting for kids.

Student Lap Desks

students using lap desks
Source: uft.org

Every classroom that’s oriented towards flexibility and allows students to study and learn in diverse ways and not only by sitting passively on a desk, should be equipped with lap desks. Lap desks are high-quality, versatile, portable and as stable as a regular desk is. But instead of being bound to one place, with the lap desks, students can sit wherever they like.

Lap desks for students are an amazing alternative to regular desks and on them, students can do anything from drawing and writing to playing games or doing arts and crafts. Instead of having a crowded classroom you can transform it into a spacious and inviting one. Students perform better and feel better overall when the classroom is a comfortable and well-equipped place that doesn’t restrict them.

Lap desks have foldable legs, meaning that they can be stored somewhere when they are not needed. Usually, the top of the lap desks is made out of MDF which is a medium-density fiberboard – a material that’s easy to clean, strong and durable. The size of a single kids lap desk is enough to accommodate 2 children at a time. In a way, you can use the kids lap desks to encourage communication and collaboration between the students.

Aside from the foldable lap desks, there are lap desks for students made out of strong plastic with compartments from both sides that serve as storage for pencils, water bottles etc. They represent the perfect work surface and come in diverse vibrant colours. These lap desks can be stacked on one another and put away when the students don’t need or use them.

Lap desks are actually beneficial for the posture of kids as well. Passive sitting is known to cause back pain, strain and other back and posture problems in the future, but with the student lap desk that can be avoided because students have more flexibility and put less pressure on their spine.

Arts and Crafts Supplies

arts and craft supplies for students
Source: thego-tolist.com

Arts and crafts are very important for little kids. They are as important as all the lectures and homework. By engaging in projects of that sort kids start thinking creatively and develop fine motor skills. Arts and crafts help with brain development, improve the children’s ability to communicate, listen and pay attention. Kids that do arts and crafts on a regular are way more focused than kids that don’t.

These artistic activities improve the performance of kids and they show better results at everything they do. For that reason, every classroom should be equipped with arts and crafts kits, tools and materials that kids can use to create whatever they like.

The list of things that kids can create with a DIY kit for kids is endless. It can be a simple drawing, origami, paper animals, birthday cards, collages etc. It’s not about the final creation but about the process that aids a lot in the proper development of kids.

Pencils and Notepads

close-up of notepad and pencil set
Source: ljcreativestudios.com

Notepads and pencils are a true classic when it comes to classroom supplies. What would a student be without notepads and pencils anyways? Little kids use notepads to write during classes, to do homework and even draw. In fact, there are special notepads made out of paper on which one can write with pencils but also draw with acrylic paint or watercolours. It’s really practical to have only one notebook in which you can do everything. Instead of creating a mess with all the different notebooks, all the work done can be organized in one notebook only. Student notebooks are usually small, compact and easy for students to maneuver.

Pencils on the other hand, come in many shapes, sizes and colours. Some are even decorated and can be personalized. When little kids are in question, the more colourful an item is the better. Kids like unique and interesting designs.     

Student Soft Chairs

kids seating on soft double chair
Source: pinimg.com

Similar to the lap desks, student soft chairs are an alternative to the regular chairs we’re all familiar with. Unlike the basic wooden or plastic chairs that are not the most comfortable thing to sit on for hours, the soft chairs are a dream. Soft chairs allow for flexible sitting and improve the posture of students. It’s a lot better for kids to be sitting on a soft chair than the regular chair the whole day. Plus, soft chairs are versatile and can be placed literally anywhere. You can create different sitting arrangements according to the tasks the students will have.  

Flexible sitting is good for students as it allows them to rock, move and actively sit. Also, it is much easier for kids to work in pairs and combine forces by arranging the soft chairs than doing the same with the classic tables and chairs. And same as the previous items, the soft chairs can easily be folded and stored.

Central Whiteboard

well organised classroom with desks and whiteboard in the center
Source: pinimg.com

Whiteboards come in many sizes and are the single most useful item in the classroom. One can write on the board but also attach paper, pictures, draw charts and graphs and include it completely into the teaching and learning process. The whiteboard makes the teaching easy and also helps students learn faster and better. By observing what’s written on the board students can comprehend the lectures more easily. Teachers can capture the attention of the students and highlight the most important information in the daily lectures. They can even use the whiteboard to engage the students in the teaching process and make them write something relevant to the topic.

Both the students and the teachers benefit from the whiteboard. A classroom wouldn’t be whole without one. Although nowadays the interactive boards are trending, nothing can surpass the old school one. It makes teaching look more authentic. 

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